Griffith Audio Journalism

Stories from Australia’s Gold Coast

Alyce Cowell

The annual Schoolies Week on the Gold Coast is a breeding ground for teenage binge-drinking.Teens spark binge-drinking epidemic

It’s not unusual these days to walk through Surfers Paradise during Schoolies Week in that last week of November and notice a group of seventeen-year-olds stumbling towards the closest Macca’s. In fact, it’s not unusual anytime of the year, or in any city.

Binge-drinking has become a frightening rite of passage among teenagers, with children as young as 12 out-drinking each other to a fateful future. Australia is now the “drunkest country in the world”.

As one of his first tasks, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd outlined a plan to slap some sense into today’s youth, by doubling the taxes on all RTD’s (Ready-To-Drink) or alcopops. It has brought about equal measures of praise and criticism, which leaves the topic open for debate whether the tax will even stay in place long enough for the problem to be solved.