Griffith Audio Journalism

Stories from Australia’s Gold Coast

Morgan OBrien

One of the biggest social issues Australia is facing is the battle to curb binge drinking among young people.

Binge drinking has become one of our biggest youth problems. When it comes to young people and partying, for most, alcohol is the drug of choice.

Research released by the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation in 2007 revealed at least one third of 18-24 year olds consider themselves to be binge drinkers.

The introduction of ‘Alcopops’ (or Ready to Drink products, known as RTD’s) has been blamed for the rise in binge drinking among teenagers.

Marketed to young people for their similarity to soft-drinks, the sweetness of the sugary mixer often disguises the alcohol content and teens drink them like lolly water.

The federal government just last month introduced a tax increase on RTD’s of up to fifty percent in an effort to decrease the trend in binge drinking, hoping the prices would deter young people from buying them.

But has the Federal Government got it wrong?